HOW TO STOP MENOPAUSE WEIGHT GAIN: Expert Advice From a Chinese Medicine Doctor.

Why Dieting is Not the Answer and How Chinese Medicine Principles Can Help You Shift the Weight.

HELP! I’ve gained a 5kg OVERNIGHT!

Oh my lovely.. you are NOT alone! The menopause weight gain (MWG) is a thing that plagues most women of a certain age. And while it might seem like the gain happened overnight, it typically takes a lot longer to shift the excess, even when you are are doing all the things (diet/exercise) that have worked for you in the past. Rude. 

IT’S YOUR HORMONES (and the weight gain starts earlier than you think).

Menopause is a point in time when you have your last menstrual period (LMP) at around 51 years old. It is a time of huge change in a women’s life, mentally, physically and emotionally. Nests empty, divorce rates skyrocket and tanks are dry. Research suggests weight starts creeping on during perimenopause (about two years prior to menopause), with lean muscle mass decreasing at the same time. It’s not fair, but we women tend more towards weight gain than the blokes. Super rude.

The Muffin-top; but not the good kind.

With everything changing around (and inside) us, the last thing we need is some kind of weird body fat shift from legs and hips, to tummy. But, that’s what happens. In sciencey language it’s described as “a redistribution of adipose tissue towards central adiposity”. And, of course, because as if enough shit isn’t already happening, this is not a good thing.

 Excess weight is potentially a serious health issue. When the fat moves to the tummy region, it does this thing where it surrounds the organs leading to an increase in what’s known as visceral fat. This can lead to all kinds of changes we do not want to experience like cardiovascular disease, Type 2 diabetes and lots of other nasty stuff.

 Changes also occur in your gut microbiome.. the fantastic world inside your tummy, full of bugs and bacteria and all kinds of wonderful stuff. The more we learn about these critters, the more we understand about the system-wide affect they have on our brain health, mood, immune system and inflammation. Trust me, you really, really want to look after them.

Stop this train. I want to get off.

How Did I get Here? (Sorry David Byrne)

Back in the good ‘ole days, (last decade) hardly anyone in medical research really gave a flying f*$k about estrogen. This, my lovelies, is changing. S. L. O. W. L . Y.

Turns out, as our estrogen levels decline, not only do our bodies morph into something we struggle to recognise, our rate of fat gain doubles. DOUBLES. And as this fat accumulates and our body shape changes, all kinds of cycles that were ticking along nicely move further out of whack. Sleep. Energy levels. Food intake. ALL impacted.

See what’s happening??!! An ever-tightening spiral of shitness that cannot fix itself.

When Diet and Exercise Alone Doesn’t Work Anymore: Chinese Medicine principles to the rescue!

So, what’s a girl gonna do?? She’s gonna work smart and turn to the peeps that had this shit sorted thousands of years ago. #Winning.

The Ancients knew stuff. They knew that women’s bodies change inside and out during this time. They knew that while these changes are normal, adjustments must be made to compensate. One must adjust. Always. Our approach means that we know not only what adjustments to make, but when and how to make them in a way that is do-able and sustainable.

That, my lovlies, results in better quality sleep, increased energy, and a body that feels balanced and nourished. This need not be the shittest time ever. Everyone is different, but one thing is the same the world over, for everyone.. when you are at your optimum weight, you feel better. #Truth

Being ovaries deep in the menopause for the last few years, and with nearly 15 years clinical experience up my sleeve, i’ve learnt (and experienced) a thing or two about #ThePause. When I put my knowledge into practice ON MYSELF:

  • I lost 12kg (and still going) without dieting.

  • I eat more than ever.

  • I became the energiser bunny.

  • My blood sugar, cholesterol and blood pressure regulated.

    Let me tell you plainly, clearly and loudly.. when supported, your body and mind will be the sharpest and strongest they have EVER been. This is about more than weight.. this is about you and supporting you to feel like you again. #IGotYourBack.

Are you ready to do this?

ACUPUNCTURE and MENOPAUSE: The latest research, keeping you informed and up-to-date.